Thursday, January 17, 2008

UPDATE: 17/01/2008

Alright, so finals/exams are here for both the Yang and I, and Yang's post IS in the draft stage and had almost been posted, but there was a problem and the majority of the post got deleted, so we all have to be patient a little bit longer, as both the Yin and the Yang are swamped with school work.

Just so you know what to look forward to (and give Yang some sort of rubric):
~Yang's background and interest in hypnosis
~How Yang and I met
~Blank trigger
~Obedience trigger
~Bondage trigger <3 (my newest love-combined with blanking=hotttt)
Amoung other exciting things!


Anonymous said...

Real life can be a bit of bugger sometimes... Oh well... good things come to those who wait... =P

Mirehn said...

Agreed anonymous, and I for one can hardly wait...