Tuesday, January 1, 2008


So, happy new year everyone!

The Yang's internet is down, and he's off chatting with his sister I imagine, which means I'm bored, and have nothing better to do than to blog on the first of the new year. Hehe.

I started writing a short mind-control story, not sure how it will turn out, but I hope it'll be good, Master Yang says he'll be my editor and agent (hehe, well, before I post it somewhere that is), so... yea. I was trying to think of a name he'd like, since the characters are loosely based on us... though, not the same situations, because however much I love our relationship and such, for outsiders to be drawn into it and devour it, it needs a bit more drama and conflict. I'm a bit too submissive to cause conflict great enough to write a story about, unless I'm being a brat, but even then, at least I'm an obedient brat, right?

Any how, people should leave comments!!! Really, I love hearing people's reaction... I am American after all, I need attention and feed back! Really! It's not just a stereotype! Hehe. Americans, whether they know it or not, are COMPLETE attention whores. <3

So, yea, leave me messages by the posts, send out the URL to people you know are interested in something like this (friends of mine around home that I've given, send it to someone who knows me in person without my approval and I'll prove my citizenship yet again by exercising violent means... <3).

The Yang says I sound like Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) when I do a British accent. I'm not sure if that means it's somewhat convincing, or what... apparently he hates Hermione Granger, so... hehe, at least he assures me it's not because of the accent. <3 He says he's gonna make me speak in a British accent for an entire day sometime... I hope not to any British people... I'll make such a fool of myself... XD Silly American. <3

SO. COMMENT. NAO. Please? The Yang says I'm very nice when I want something, so... so you should comment. Because I love attention. (That might also be because I'm a cat though...) I'll even do you the honors of commenting you back, if I can be linked to your own blog.

Did anyone see Live Free, Die Hard? That movie was actually really good. ^^

Have a great time in the new year! Don't let your guard down around suspicious people in top hats with British accents and capes, with strange black and white swirly spirals for eyes... @.@ Hehe. Woot!


Mirehn said...

I suppose I can forgive you your terrible english accent, after all as you say, you are only an American...

But the attention whoring is not only on your side of the pond, I'm over here sitting up and begging for attention! Or getting someone else to do it for me...

Yin said...

Hehe, well, I'm sorry you're luck is as bad as mine, hehehe. Of course I'm not REALLY upset that he's not around, but... you know. It's fun to tease him for once, he's always teasing me dreadfully.

Anonymous said...

Hi Yin.

Do you have an MSN address or anything? I'd love to add you and talk to you sometime!

Yin said...

slvrncld@hotmail.com is my MSN, but for the record, not saying you would, but I'm only looking for friends, I already have a brilliantly sexy Master and hypnotist in one. <3

HypnoMaster D said...

It's fun to make your hypno sub adopt a new accent. For a while, I made one of mine speak with an outrageous French accent. Drove her crazy.