Monday, December 31, 2007

The Yin Yang

Now, I know this isn't entirely hypnosis related, but... I just thought I'd share it because it means something to me, as should be made apparent by my pet name. <3

The yin and yang is a Chinese symbol that depicts the unity of complete opposites. In the case of me and my Master Yang, I guess that would be the dominance versus the submission in our personalities.

Yin, according to Wikipedia (I know it sucks, but I wanted something simple and fast. XP), is the dark element: it is passive, dark, feminine, negative, downward-seeking, consuming and corresponds to the night. Yin is usually symbolized by water and earth.

Yang, on the other hand is the bright element: it is active, light, masculine, positive, upward-seeking, producing and corresponds to the daytime. Yang is symbolized by fire and air.

But, you know, the best thing about yin yang, the part I like the most?

It's the fact that they're always together, they come together and they are never apart, they are a part of each other, and always will be.

I hope that that 'subtle' hint wasn't all THAT subtle... (To quote Master's friend: "damn my obvious subtleties!")

Just thought I should share. <3

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